Hair product myth

There are so many products and salon treatments that claim to repair damaged hair. Damaged hair is simply the structure of hair strands that are out of shape or some broken cuticle shingles, kinked, exposing the inner cortex. Broken cuticles indicate that there is no protection on our hair strands so moisture cannot be maintained. A lack of moisture leads to dry, brittle, frizzy, tangling, breaking and splitting hair.
Healthy hair can stretch up to 30% of its length (elasticity) without breaking. However, if cuticles are damaged, hair will break before it reaches 30% of its stretch capacity simply because some cuticles are weak and broken somewhere on your hair. Sometimes, hair can split in the middle of the shaft, not only at hair ends.
Most treatments and products that claim they permanently restore and repair damaged hair, in fact, disguise or temporarily fake hair repair. Then, once you shampoo, the effect wears off, and your hair returns to its damaged state, if not worse. Coating the hair, rather than repairing the damaged cuticle, will be an ongoing superficial process, never getting to the root of the problem.
never getting to the root of the problem.
Some chemical hair treatments such as Brazilian/keratin straightening give the appearance of instant thickness, straightness, and shine to your hair (typically lasting 3-4 months). However, once the chemicals wear off, the quality of your hair remains unchanged in the long-term, that's if your hair quality does not worsen as a result of over-processing. These chemical treatments firstly destroy the hair's structure and cause the cuticle to swell, then, use hot tools to create the effect of straightness. Both activities severely change your natural hair structure. Eventually, your hair cuticle is damaged and distorted from its original state, leading to a permanently unhealthy state.
Moreover, certain hair care routines can also damage your hair: frequent usage of hot tools, roughly combing wet hair, pony tails, up-dos, dreadlocks, braids and so forth. The aforementioned habits physically damage your hair.